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Cisco Advanced Security Architecture Specialization 700-150 Practice Exam Q&A Free
Which statement about Cisco Unified Fabric is true?
A. Cisco Unified Fabric enables industry-leading, multidimensional scalability
B. Organizations must be in the cloud in order to benefit from Cisco Unified Fabric
C. Cisco Unified Fabric can only be used in LAN environments
D. Organizations can trust in the innovative focus of Cisco Unified Fabric, allowing IT teams to focus on maintaining
Correct Answer: A
Cisco converged infrastructure simplifies and speeds up infrastructure deployment with integrated and hyperconverged
systems. Which of the following is not one of the solutions?
A. FlashStack
B. Hyperflex systems
C. VirtualStack
D. FlexPod
Correct Answer: C
Cisco offers customer care solutions for contact centers. Which option is not correct?
A. Cisco Remote Expert Mobile
B. Cisco Inbound Option
C. Cisco Unified call studio
D. Cisco Outbound Option
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following are included in Cisco\\’s current networking product lines?
A. switches, routers, application delivery controllers, LAN, and WAN
B. switches, routers, and application delivery controllers
C. switches, routers, LAN, and WAN
D. application delivery controllers, LAN, and WAN
Correct Answer: C
Cisco has a five-phased cloud plan.
Which of the following is not one of the phases?
A. Cloud Native Stacks
B. Containers and Analytics
C. Multi-cloud management
D. Application renewal
Correct Answer: D ud_Strategy-Do
Which group represents the Cisco partnership levels?
A. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Select Multinational
B. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Global
C. Affiliate, Associate, Preferred, Select, Global
D. Select, Premier, Gold, Multinational, Global Gold
Correct Answer: D
What is a key benefit of Cisco\\’s hybrid services for collaboration?
A. Customers can utilize conferencing solutions with Cisco Webex while retaining control of their collaboration services.
B. Cisco manages all collaboration services so a customer\\’s IT resources can focus on strategic priorities.
C. Customers can choose multiple types of collaboration endpoints.
D. Customers gain the benefit of Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution services while retaining ownership and control of
their collaboration services.
Correct Answer: A
Which Cisco endpoint is ideal for occasional-use, specialty settings such as cafeterias?
A. Cisco DX80
B. Cisco Unified IP Phone 6900 Series
C. Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series
D. Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3900 Series
Correct Answer: B
Cisco\\’s software defined access allows customers to get network speed, security and peace of mind. Which of them is
not one of the capabilities?
A. Secure from evolving threats
B. Limits the network access
C. Prepare for loT growth
D. Adapt to mobile demands
Correct Answer: B
What types of collaboration endpoints are offered by Cisco?
A. phone, desktop, room, and mobile
B. desktop, room, and virtual
C. phone, mobile, and virtual
D. phone desktop, room, mobile, and virtual
Correct Answer: D
In covering the full attack continuum, which are the proposed solutions after an attack?
A. Networks access control and identity services
B. E-mail and web security solutions
C. Firewalls and next generation firewalls
D. Advanced malware protection and network behavior analysis
Correct Answer: D
After an attack: Scope, contain, and remediate an attack to minimize damage with advanced malware protection and
network behavior analysis.
What is one way that CISco one provides business value to customers?
A. It allows each department to manage iT separately by creating multiple portals for license management
B. It allows iT to consume software only as CAPEX
C. It increases the value of software by making the software portable across hardware
D. It provides better solution suites by focusing exclusively on WAN
Correct Answer: D
What tool helps the Cisco Business Architect to gain and leverage their knowledge of the customer\\’s business?
A. Solution Architecture Design Map
B. Customer Requirement Map
C. Business Model Canvas
D. Collaborative Business Model
Correct Answer: C
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